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2 days


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Graphic Design

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Agency information

Founded by
Shakil Ali
Year founded
Company size



Get on-demand graphic design services from professionals

Whether you have unlimited small design tasks or jobs that take months, educate our expert designer about your scope of work. A team of designers is available only to cater to your design jobs.

Screenshots and media

We don't have any media for this service yet.


  • Graphic Design
  • Landing Page Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Branding and Logos
  • Illustration
  • SaaS and Mobile App Design



How many tasks can I assign at a time?

There is no limit; you can assign as many tasks as you need & we will do it all for you.

Will I be able to talk to the designer?

Of course! The designer will be at your service, and you will communicate directly with your assigned designer; once you are on board with us.

What is the process to unsubscribe?

You can unsubscribe whenever you want by informing us via email. The subscription will automatically be revoked; at the end of the month as per the start date.

How do we define the period of subscription?

We have a monthly subscription plan that starts from the time you subscribed and ends on the same date next month.

What is the delivery time at 11thAgency?

The delivery is completely dependent on the complexity of the task, but the delivery time will be predefined after understanding the scope of the task.

How do i assign tasks to 11thAgency?

Depending on how you are comfortable, we have several options for assigning, you can directly add tasks with all the details on asana, some clients prefer audio or video briefing which is helpful for our designers.

Is there any limit to the revisions at 11thAgency?

No! You can ask for as many revisions as you want until or unless you are 200% satisfied.

Do we have to sign a contract to start?

No contracts are to be signed; you just have to agree to the terms and conditions.

Are there any discounts available?

We have referral discounts available, which you can be eligible for if any of your referrals is matured.



A blog section for this agency will be available soon.