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2-3 days


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Graphic Design

πŸ’΅ Expensive

πŸ‘ Good

πŸ₯± Complicated pricing

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Agency information

Founded by
Jeremy Lessaris, Kasey Sherwood
Year founded
Company size



We believed that there was a better way to achieve quality design without the expense or the complication of traditional design agencies, so we built it. A tech-enabled, graphic design subscription that solves big challenges, streamlines processes, drives efficiencies and bridges the gap between talented designers and brands of the future. That mission and our relentless quest to balance happiness between career, client, and company has attracted a talented design-ops team which we now call the family.

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  • No hidden fees
  • No required upgrades
  • No price per user
  • No contracts required



What can you design at

We can design just about anything! Print design like ads, banners, sales sheets. Digital design projects like websites, apps, and social media assets. Brand design projects that include logo design, brand guidelines & stationary. Package design for bottles, cans, boxes, and labels. Presentation and report design and specialized product photography. Want to learn more click here to check out our complete list of services.

What is "Subscription-Based" graphic design?

A design subscription is like having a scaleable design team at your fingertips. No matter what your design needs are, from startups that need a fractional design team to a full-time agency support team, has customized plans for nearly every design requirement. Working on a subscriptions basis allows you the flexibility to work on a low, fixed cost with the flexibility of being able to make unlimited changes and revisions (within your subscription period) so you can perfect your design without being focused on the cost for every change. Want to learn more about our subscriptions? See our plans and pricing.

What is the difference between and your competitors?

First, we LOVE other design agencies like Superside and Design Pickle and respect global freelance designers, so we don’t really like to call them β€œcompetition” but call them our brothers and sisters in the design community. But in terms of differences that we know of, is a US-based graphic design agency, with US-based design talent. 100% of our designers have degrees from prestigious US-based universities, in both fine arts as well as digital design disciplines. No freelancers, no offshoring, and no outsourcing, no part-timers. The second difference is how robust our tools and tech are. We were founded by a group of talented developers from the SaaS industry so we pride ourselves on our homegrown tech to enhance the design process, ease communication and collaboration, and deliver an amazing experience from start to finish. If you want to learn more we’d love to give you a guided tour of what makes different. Click here to book a demo

Where are the designers and staff located?

Our office is located in sunny Miami Beach, come for a visit and a caffecito (and maybe a beach day). Our designers, art directors, and operations staff is local, US Based, full-time, employees! No outsourcing, no offshoring, no freelancers.

How many design projects can you get done in a month subscription at

On average we can complete 5 – 7 designs/revisions in a given month but this is heavily dependent on the size, scope, and complexity of the project as well as the total number of changes and revisions you request on each project. A project can have multiple designs and revisions so there is no direct correlation to the number of projects we can complete.

Do you work on individual projects vs. subscriptions?

YES! We can work on any size project, no project too small, no minimums, no subscription required. Once you have an account (a sales rep can set you up for free), you can enter project details and we can give you a timeline and exact, flat-rate quote to complete the project. Contact Sales for more information



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