Design Honcho

Design Honcho

This agency is verified

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Design Honcho



2-3 business days


Starts at

Graphic Design

🧑‍🎨 Solo team

💵 Expensive

✍️ Offer copywriting

Editor's Picks

Agency information

Founded by
TJ Marchesani
Year founded
Company size
Solo team


Design Honcho

Design Honcho is built to take the complexity out of purchasing design. With one fixed subscription, you get unlimited design requests, delivered within a few business days, that are 100% yours.

Screenshots and media

We don't have any media for this service yet.


  • Graphic Design
  • Landing Page Design
  • Website Design
  • Wireframes
  • Mobile App Design
  • Unlimited Brands & Users

Design Honcho


Who are the designers I will be working with at Design Honcho?

Unlike freelance marketplaces, Design Honcho gives you access to a US based, senior-level designer who is consistently assigned to your account. Each design is personally reviewed and green-lit by our principal designer and founder before going out.

Why would I choose Design Honcho over hiring a full-time designer?

Hiring a full-time designer is expensive and time-consuming. Average salary of a senior level designer often exceeds $100,000, plus benefits; and that's if you can find one. Hiring a full-time designer requires committing to a consistent workload to justify their employment. During slow periods, you may end up paying for underutilized resources. Design Honcho offers a cost-effective and flexible solution.

What if I only need one design from Design Honcho?

Design Honcho is built to scale with you. If you need one design, subscribe to our monthly plan, receive your design in a couple of days, then pause until you are ready for the next project.

How does pausing service work?

We built Design Honcho to service businesses and organizations that may not have enough design work to fill up entire month. That's where pausing your subscription comes in. Our billing cycles are based on a 31 day period. If you sign up and use our service for 15 days, and then pause your subscription, you will have 16 days of service remaining to be used anytime in the future.

How fast is Design Honcho?

Most requests are turned around in 2-3 business days. More complex requests take a bit longer.

How many designs can I submit? Can I run out of requests?

Our process is a one design in, one design out format; meaning you have unlimited requests, but request submissions can not overlap. This format allows both parties to focus on priorities and to move quickly. As soon as you receive your design, you can submit your next request.

Can I make revisions to my designs?

Yes! We will revise your designs until you are 100% happy. We treat revisions rounds as requests.

Does Design Honcho provide refunds?

We do not provide refunds on subscriptions, however if a client feels like Design Honcho is no longer a fit for their business, they are able to pause anytime and cancel depending when the subscription cycle has lapsed.

Does Design Honcho require contracts or provide terms of service?

When clients subscribe to one of our plans, they are agreeing to our terms of service which can be accessed here. We understand that some business and organizations require specific legal documentation, and we will work with your team to insure both parties are happy.

Design Honcho


A blog section for this agency will be available soon.