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2-3 days


Starts at

Graphic Design

πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ¨ Solo team

πŸ’΅ Expensive

πŸš€ Brand-new

Editor's Picks

Agency information

Founded by
Robert Licau
Year founded
Company size
Solo team



Innovative UX/UI Design Solutions for Web3 & Tech Brands. Get Custom Design for Web, Apps, and Crypto Projects with Easy Subscriptions.

Screenshots and media

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  • UI/UX Design
  • Landing Page Design
  • Website Design and Development
  • Marketing Materials
  • Branding & Identity
  • App and Website



Who Will Be Designing My Projects at Buy.Design?

Buy.Design is like a one-person super team β€” that's me! For specialized tasks like illustrations, I collaborate with skilled partners.‍

Why should I choose Buy.Design Instead of hiring a full-time designer?

Great question! Hiring a full-time senior-level designer is not only expensive, often exceeding $100,000 annually with benefits, but it also comes with the challenge of ensuring consistent workload. It can be tough to find a top-tier designer who is available when you need them. Buy.Design offers a more flexible and cost-effective solution. With our monthly subscription model, you have access to senior-level design expertise without the overhead of a full-time salary. You can pause and resume the service according to your project needs, ensuring that you pay only when you have design work, making it a smarter financial and operational choice.

What Happens If I Don’t Like a Design from Buy.Design?

No problem at all. We'll tweak and revise until you're totally happy with it - 100% satisfaction.‍

What If I Only Need One Design from Buy.Design?

Just use the service for what you need, then pause your plan. Come back any time when there's more to do.‍

What's the Plan if You're Sick or on Vacation?

If I'm ever out sick or on a break, I'll let you know in advance. Your subscription will be paused, ensuring you won't lose any time you've paid for and there's no financial impact on you. When I return, we'll resume work and pick up right where we left off.‍

How Do I Submit Design Requests Buy.Design?

You can send your design requests in a variety of ways through Trello β€” write them down, share documents, or even send a Loom video brief.‍

How Does Pausing My Subscription Work at Buy.Design?

If you don't have enough tasks to fill the month, just hit pause. Your subscription freezes, and you can use the remaining days later.For example, if you subscribe and after three weeks you've got everything you need, just pause your plan. Your billing stops, and you have the rest of the month to use whenever you like.‍

How Quickly Will I Receive My Designs from Buy.Design?

Typically, we get designs done in two days or less. More detailed projects might take a bit longer.‍

Are There Any Design Services You Don’t Offer?

Yes, there are a few things we don't do, like logos, 3D models, complex animations, detailed document layouts (like medical forms etc.), intricate packaging, and major print projects.‍

Can I submit as many design requests as I want with Buy.Design?

Yes, once you join Buy.Design, you can queue up as many design requests as you need through Trello. We'll handle them one by one. Depending on your chosen plan (1 or 2 requests at a time).

Design Software Do You Use at Buy.Design?

We mainly use Figma for our design work. ‍

Do You Offer Refunds If I’m Not Satisfied With the Service at Buy.Design?

We aim for the highest quality with our work, so we don't offer refunds. But we do commit to making sure you love our designs.‍

How can I manage my subscription at Buy.Design?

It's straightforward to handle your subscription. You'll receive a comprehensive welcome message with all the details after signing up, including how to access your client area. There, you can check your billing, modify payment methods, and adjust your subscription as needed.‍



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