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2 business days


Starts at

Graphic Design

🧑‍🎨 Solo team

💵 Expensive

🚀 Brand-new

Editor's Picks

Agency information

Founded by
Antimo Farid Mire
Year founded
Company size
Solo team


This is an unlimited design subscription. You can create unlimited design requests and I’ll close them off one by one. I focus on 0 → 1 brand, web & MVP design. Recently, I worked on and

Screenshots and media

We don't have any media for this service yet.


  • UI/UX Design
  • Landing Page Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Website Design
  • Pitch Deck
  • App Design


What happens after I pay?

I’ll send you an e-mail with a link where you can book a call with me, so we can go through your requirements and get started on the first task right away. I will then create (and send you a link to) your own design dashboard.‍

What if I don’t like my design?

No problem. Endless revisions are included.‍

What if I need something urgently from

Just let me know and I’ll do my best. Design is part of a production process that naturally has timelines, and part of my job is making sure you have what you need by when you need it. Life happens; there are emergencies, and I’ll do what I can to help you manage these.However, if you expect to have frequent urgent requests (as in less than 24 hours turnaround), the subscription model might not be a fit.‍

What's the refund policy at

No refunds are issued. This model allows you to have direct access to a designer you trust, without paying fees to a platform or having to employ me. If there is enough demand (and you use the design queue efficiently), you will get much more value out of the subscription than your monthly expense. If after that you have no more design needs — that’s great, you can pause it. That’s the beauty of the subscription. However, it’s not a fit for everyone.The keyword here is “trust”. You’ll notice that some of the terms on this page are apparently vague: for example, why 2 business days “on average”? How are complex tasks broken down? The assumption is that you’ve done your research, have a reasonable expectation that I have the skillset & taste to deliver what you need and you also have a basic experience in working with designers.A big part of the reason this model works is because, once you sign up, I don’t have to worry about time tracking, billing & disputes; instead, I focus entirely on the project at hand.‍

What's your skillsets?

My services are limited to what is achievable with Figma & Framer. I can’t make any complex 3D graphics, motion graphics, photo compositions or manipulations that would require additional software. If you need 3D modelling / animation, video editing or app development, I’m not your guy.‍

How many clients do you have at

Only as many as I can manage. Before signing you as a client, we’ll have a conversation about what you need, when you’ll need it and what your workflow looks like.I won’t take you on unless I’m confident we can work together to mutual satisfaction.‍

How quickly are designs delivered from

Within 2 business days on average; complex tasks (ie. entire websites / apps) will be broken down in simpler deliverables.‍

Is there a request limit to

No, they will all go in a queue and will be completed one by one. You can re-arrange the queue as required.‍

How do I manage my sub at

You can pause your subscription at any time. If you do, you will be able to pick up where you left off in your billing cycle.For example — if you pause your subscription 2 weeks into the month, you will still have 2 weeks pre-paid when you are ready to re-start it.Unused balances must be utilised within a 6-month period from the date of the initial subscription purchase.‍


A blog section for this agency will be available soon.