Content Beta

Content Beta

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Content Beta



1-2 days


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Graphic Design

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Founded by
Rish Bhandari, Rishabh Pugalia
Year founded
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Content Beta

Content Beta helps you ship campaigns, launch products and build brand with an on-demand creative team without the overheads.

Everything from Motion Design, Video Production, Document Design. Ad Creative to Content Repurposing

Used by ServiceNow, Recurly, and 120 other b2b tech companies.

Screenshots and media

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  • Graphic Design
  • UI Design
  • Product Videos
  • Illustrations
  • Webflow Development
  • WordPress Development

Content Beta


Who owns the Copyright of work created by Content Beta?

You own the copyright of all work created for you by Content Beta.

What if I don't use all my Credit Hours in a month at Content Beta?

No worries! Whether you’re on our Monthly or Quarterly Plan, you can roll over any unused Credit Hours to the next month. These extra hours are good for up to 3 months from when we start working together. And if you’re with us on the Annual Plan and decide to stick around for another year, you can take those rollover hours into the next year too.

What if I use up all my Project Hours in a month at Content Beta?

If that happens, any extra hours you need will be billed hourly. But if you’re looking at a lot of extra hours, just talk to your Account Manager. They can help tweak your plan to fit your needs.

What is a 30-day money-back guarantee at Content Beta?

Working with us starts risk-free! Our 30-day money-back guarantee will refund your first payment in full if you want to stop using our service before your first 30 days end.

What is Content Beta?

Content Beta is a creative-as-a-service for tech marketing teams. We help over tech brands like ship campaigns, brand, and web design with an on-demand creative team for less than the cost of an in-house resource. Wave goodbye to the stress of finding designers and worrying about having the right skills. Content Beta takes care of those concerns for you. We help you make sure all your video or design projects are finished on time, every month.

What is the Annual Plan at Content Beta?

Our Annual Plan is best for companies who have an ongoing need of design support throughout the year. In this plan, you commit to us for 12 months, with a plan of your choosing. Additionally, this plan offers a lower monthly fee compared to our Monthly Plans.

What is the Monthly Plan at Content Beta?

Our Monthly Plan is best for companies who have an ebb and flow of design support throughout the year. In this plan, you work with us on a month to month basis, with a plan of your choosing.

What services do you cover?

Anything in Motion design, Video production, Ad creatives, Copywriting, Document design, and Content Repurposing.

When and how do I get my invoice from Content Beta?

Your invoice is automatically created for each billing cycle right on the platform. You’ll get it on the first day of your billing cycle. If you have any questions, just reach out to your account manager.

How do you keep up with product UI changes?

Our processes and pricing are reasonably lean. We have maintenance plans that keep your Product UI updated for a fraction of the cost.

How much does a typical video or design project cost?

Our subscription plans have set prices for each type of project. You’ll get all the details during our discovery call. For custom projects, the price varies based on different factors. But don’t worry, we’ll give you a clear quote for each one. Just reach out to our sales team for a specific project quote. In general, we’re way more affordable than agencies but a bit pricier than solo freelancers. That’s because we provide project management and creative direction. Plus, it becomes more cost-effective as we handle more projects and the longer we team up with you.

I have an urgent design request to Content Beta, what should I do?

Let your Account Manager know you have an urgent request and they will do their best to do a fast turnaround.

I work with the same designers and team at Content Beta?

Absolutely, quality and consistency really matter to us.

Is there a minimum contract term at Content Beta?

We totally get how important it is to be flexible in the fast-moving business world today. You’ve got the freedom to pick a plan that fits your needs and what you value most. If you choose the Annual Plan, it involves sticking with it for 12 months. But if you go for the Monthly Plan, you can play it by month, which lets you scale up or down as you need.

My product is niche. How will you understand my product?

We DON’T need your time in explaining how your product works. We have tried and tested the process for knowledge transfer. All we need is your product docs or loom video and demo account credentials

What are Content Beta’s business hours?

Feel free to contact us whenever you need, and we’ll aim to get back to you within 24 hours. Our London and India offices are open from 9 am to 6 pm, local time.

What are the typical turnaround times at Content Beta?

Our typical turnaround times range from 24-48 hours.

Are revisions unlimited at Content Beta?

You can make as many changes as you want, just keep it within the credit hours your plan gives you.

Can anyone in my company use Content Beta?

Absolutely! Content Beta Cloud is really made for different teams in an organization to use together. It’s set up in a way that cuts out the middlemen in design work. This means you can get things done quicker and more efficiently. As long as the team’s admin adds them, employees can easily ask for design and creative help for their projects and campaigns.

Can I change or upgrade my subscription at Content Beta?

One of the benefits of working with us is ease of scalability. Simply inform your Account Manager of your new requirements and we’ll adjust your plan accordingly.

Can I get a 12 or 24-hour turnaround on all design tasks and projects?

While we are very fast, a 24-hour turnaround is not possible for all asset types. However, a few tasks like updating presentation slides, resizing graphics, and making small edits to a video can be done with a shorter turnaround time. Your Account Manager will always notify you if your deadlines can be met prior to starting the project.

Can I get the source files of the designs from Content Beta?

Yes, we send source files of finalized designs on request.

Can I pay by Bank Transfer at Content Beta?

Yes, we accept ACH, Wires, Checks and all major Credit Cards.

Can I roll over Credit Hours from one month to the next at Content Beta?

Yep! You can carry your unused hours from month to month. Just remember, they do expire 3 months after our partnership kicks off.

Can you do rush work at Content Beta?

Yes, we will do our absolute best! Please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss timelines and due dates.

How and when do I pay at Content Beta?

Whether you are on the yearly or monthly plan, you will be billed on the 1st of the month. We accept major Credit Cards and ACH bank transfers.

How do I cancel my plan with Content Beta?

You can cancel your plan within the platform. Just like any other SaaS, click on β€˜Cancel subscription’. This will ensure you are no longer billed after that month.

Content Beta


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