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6-8 weeks


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Graphic Design

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Founded by
Darren Harroff and Keith Lichtie
Year founded
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Sweven.design is a full-service digital design partnership making dreams into reality online. Darren Harroff and Keith Lichtie founded Sweven.design in the heart of 2020 - two longtime friends with a shared passion for people & seeing dreams come to life creatively. Sweven enjoys partnering with individuals, small businesses, & nonprofits to realize their goals through affordable, quality websites & everything visual/branding.

Screenshots and media

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  • Branding
  • Landing Page Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Web Design
  • Webflow Development
  • Website Migration



Why should I choose Sweven.design?

Well, that's a great question. The world is full of great designers and developers, but we like to think we stand out. We are official Enterprise Expert partners, which is an incredible honor that we are proud to hold and do not take lightly.This means that we have Webflow's official 'seal of approval' as a trusted expert in the Webflow space that is known to provide top-tier service to their clients. If you want to meet us or chat 1-on-1 about your project, let's chat.

What is Webflow?

We use Webflow for 99.9% of our client sites because it's simply a fantastic tool for most modern website applications. Here's a quick bulleted summary of why we choose to use it: It's an unlimited design canvas We can design and build whatever we want in a visual canvas with literally no limitations (with a bit of coding knowledge). This helps us build highly custom and unique branded experiences - which is possible but in our experience much more time intensive, costly, and difficult to do with other platforms like WordPress. The CMS The CMS is incredibly flexible for any kind of dynamic content you can dream of (blog posts, team members, locations, services, you name it). And we build and drive the design of the site using this CMS content, meaning we can add a new location, for example, without copy/pasting pages and headache-ing over content - just add the new item in a form-like interface in Editor, and it goes everywhere we've designed it to. Each CMS page is generated automatically based on our design with all SEO information plugged in and ready with one click. It's simpler to maintain & update Security, uptime, updates - everything is tied into the Webflow platform fee and taken care of by the pros. We don't need to constantly update plugins and worry about these things like on many other platforms. Also, the content Editor interface allows for simple point-and-click style editing that's easy enough for someone with no background to jump in and do with a few minutes of training (which we provide) SEO Tools Webflow gives us built-in tools to help us optimize sites for search engines like a native SEO audit panel, and access to every bit of needed info and fields that are critical for SEO, easily accessible and fully controllable. Speed Webflow cloud hosts all sites on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) which allows for quick delivery times regardless of location. Webflow sites across the board can perform much better on all high-value ranking factors Google looks at including page speed (when built well, which yours will be) New Features & Constant updates Webflow has been gaining a lot of support and market share over competitors for a number of reasons, including their support and constant valuable feature releases. We could go on and on, but there's some high-level value points for choosing Webflow. If you want to investigate yourself, check out webflow.com and read around - they have a ton of content and helpful resources about the platform. ‍

How do Support Agreements work?

We love partnering with our clients post-launch through our ongoing Support Agreements. Recently revamped, the setup is simple:For project clients, your Support Agreement begins after launch. You set a maximum monthly budget to help you keep budgeting control, and we track and bill hourly for all qualified Support Requests. Non-support requests will be scoped and billed individually.For Support-only clients (folks who we have not built the website in question for), the above setup applies + a $3000 down payment from which your initial billing is pulled from until used. After that, it's simple hourly tracking. This down payment is non-refundable. Our clients love the quick team access and speedy turnaround that our Support Agreements give them, and we love working as the "Webflow arm" for those fine folks.‍

How many people are on the Sweven team?

We choose to keep our core team intentionally and efficiently small with good reason:Our process and style is very relational - we find that keeping it tight helps us value and enjoy every client project.Speed - with a smaller team comes less crossed wires and a more streamlined process.Our core value of "Enjoying life & doing meaningful work." - a small team setup allows us to structure our lives and work in a way that is life-giving to everyone involved. We often expand our team on a project-to-project basis with the vast and talented pool of Webflow Expert Professional partners and freelancers. To that effect - our team is as agile, multi-faceted, and large or small as your project requires all while being guided and assured by the core Sweven team.We work with companies of all sizes from one-person marketing teams to large Enterprise scale organizations. Our team setup and style allow us to be flexible and meet the needs of most companies.‍

How much does a typical website project cost?

Each website project is very subjective and completely unique to your need, so the costs can vary widely. That said, our minimum fixed project cost is typically $10,000 USD for any engagement of service. For smaller unique projects there is often some flexibility to that minimum cost, please reach out and we can chat to see if we're the right fit for your project.‍

Can Webflow do everything I'll need?

Most of the time, yes! Webflow fits the needs of 99% of use cases ranging from "standard" landing pages to a full-blown marketing or enterprise websites to e-commerce stores (though, e-commerce requires specific consultation, so let's chat if that's what you're looking for) and more. Where Webflow falls just a bit short in native functionality, we're able to extend its capabilities using the power of code. This can be as simple as enhancing the overall user experience, or as complex as building web apps using Webflow as your front-end!

Can you migrate my website from WordPress to Webflow at Sweven.design?

Of course - we think that's a great call! Website Migration (specifically WordPress to Webflow) is one of our core services. We will migrate your old website with pinpoint accuracy if you're migrating 1-to-1, or we'll migrate over your old site along with the new designed website we provide for you, taking care of every step along the way to preserve your SEO.



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