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24-48 hours
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Unlimited design subscriptions to scale your marketing tools.
We can get started as soon as you subscribe! Once you have uploaded a request to your board the design work will start straight away. (Mon - Fri)
There is no limit to how many designs you can request. You can add an unlimited amount of tasks to your queue and we will work on them one by one.
Most of the jobs are completed within 2-3 days, however, larger more complex tasks will take longer.
We know how expensive it can be to hire a full time quality designer ($100,000s). The onboarding, the benefits, the paperwork... and you may not always have enough design work to fill their time.The monthly subscription allows you to stay flexible, you can pause and resume as much as you like. Activate the subscription whenever you have design work that needs doing.
I'm the only one! You will never get designs from outsourced designers. All designs are made by me. I bring 20 years of expertise as an art director, UI/UX designer, and graphic designer. I've led product design (UX/UI) and branding strategies for SaaS companies from founding to 8 figures in ARR. My advertising background has shaped my multifaceted skill set. I also mentor Canadian startups on design and marketing. As a two-time founder with ties to 500 Startups (San Francisco), I bring hands-on experience and a deep understanding of startups. I have seen how great design can make companies outpace their competitors in the market.
There is no minimum commitment and you can cancel or pause your membership at anytime.
Most of the time we can accommodate what works best for you. Google docs, videos or images, whatever is the best way to communicate the brief. Just upload the brief to your Trello board a long with any other relevant information.
After subscribing you will receive welcome email and a link to your Trello board. All instructions will be included in the email (there is not many, its simple). You can start adding design jobs to your queue straight away.